Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In this activity, you will provide real-world examples of the tools or technologies that represent the eight tech areas identified in your textbook and t - NursingEssays Ideas

In this activity, you will provide real-world examples of the tools or technologies that represent the eight tech areas identified in your textbook and t



In an upcoming assignment, you will analyze real-world examples of technologies employed by the criminal justice system and consider ethical issues related to their use. In this activity, you will provide real-world examples of the tools or technologies that represent the eight tech areas identified in your textbook and their application in the criminal justice system.



Download the Week 2 Activity Template Download Week 2 Activity Templateand use it to complete this activity.

Choose one specific tool or technology from each of the following technology systems and share a real-world example of an application used in the criminal justice system.

  1. Communications.
  2. Database and record keeping.
  3. Decision support.
  4. Biometrics.
  5. Monitoring.
  6. Imaging.
  7. Weaponry.
  8. Personal defense and transportation.

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CRJ317 Week 2 Activity Template

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Week 2 Activity Template: Criminal Justice Technology Survey

Chapter one of the textbook explains 8 different categories of technology systems used in the criminal justice system. Complete the below table by providing a specific example of each technology category. Then provide a brief description of how that specific technology is applied within the criminal justice system.

Type of Technology System

Example Tool/Device

Criminal Justice Application


Database and record-keeping





Weaponry and personal defense



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