Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Prepare a presentation using the ‘Community Teaching Project’ templates that were completed previously in this course along with the information from - NursingEssays Ideas

Prepare a presentation using the ‘Community Teaching Project’ templates that were completed previously in this course along with the information from

Presentation Development

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a presentation of the topic chosen for the identified community based on the Community Teaching Project (Carrfour Supportive Housing).

Prepare a presentation using the "Community Teaching Project" templates that were completed previously in this course along with the information from the interview with the community representative. (Part 1, 2, 3, see attachments)

Students will give this presentation to the selected community in Topic 5. Reach out to the selected representative to confirm the date and time to present the selected topic to the community. 

PowerPoint presentation (no more than 30 minutes)

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

This assignment uses a rubric (see attachment). Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education

This assignment aligns to AACN Core Competencies 2.1, 2.2, 2.5, 2.8, and 6.1

NRS-425 Community Teaching Project – Part 1

Please use this template to complete the assignment.

Name (GCU Student)

Name of Nonprofit Organization

Carrfour Supportive Housing

Address of Nonprofit Organization

1398 SW 1st Street, 12th Floor,

Miami, FL 33135

Full Name of Contact Person and Job Title

Stephanie Berman-Eisenberg, President & CEO

Contact Person's Email and Phone Number

[email protected] | (305) 371-8300

Community and Target Aggregate

· Describe the population demographic being served by this organization.

Population Demographic Being Served:

Carrfour Supportive Housing exists to work side by side with formerly homeless individuals and families in Miami-Dade County to provide affordable housing solutions integrated with supportive services. The demographic includes all age groups, all races, all creeds, and all special needs, such as those with disabilities or chronic health problems. Carrfour programs provide stability and self-sufficiency for many clients who are transitioning from homelessness (Carrfour Supportive Housing, 2023).

Social Determinants of Health (SDOHs):

· Identify actual and potential SDOHs that impact the demographic served by the nonprofit organization.

· Use the following data sources or similar ones to find relevant data and identify SDOHs: 2023 County Health Rankings National Findings Report, CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, and United States Census Bureau QuickFacts.

Identification of Actual and Potential SDOHs:

Economic Stability: Clients are often unemployed or underemployed, and these incomes cannot support paying for housing and healthcare.

Education Access and Quality: Lacking educational opportunities can limit job prospects and economic opportunities.

Healthcare Access and Quality: Chronic conditions that are unmanaged may result from barriers to accessing healthcare services.

Neighborhood and Built Environment: It’s not just about safe and affordable housing, inadequate living conditions can compound health problems.

Social and Community Context: It can also affect your mental health and well-being.

These factors underscore the need for comprehensive support services along with housing to meet the demands of this population with the multiple needs.


· Describe the education topic that will be relevant to provide to your identified nonprofit's community members.

Education Topic: Diabetes Prevention and Management. The project emphasizes the importance of balanced diets, meal planning on a budget, and the role of physical activity in preventing chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Rationale of Topic:

· Explain the reason for your choice of education topic based on your research.

Individuals who are homeless or whose housing is unstable are at greater risk for overweight, diabetes and other chronic conditions such as heart disease and cancer, in large part because of barriers to nutritious food, healthcare services and safe environments for physical activity. Education on diabetes prevention and management can help residents get empowered and take informed health choices, utilize the existing resources effectively to live a better quality of life (Healthy People 2030, 2023).

Healthy People 2030 (HP2030) Objectives and Measures:

· Discuss whether this topic was listed in the HP2030 Objectives and Measures.

· Explain which information on this website may be relevant to assist you with your presentation.

Discussion: The topic supports the HP2030 objectives, particularly Objective D-01 — lower the number of new cases of diagnosed diabetes within the population. HP2030 is based on community based interventions and education to reduce the risk factors of diabetes, including poor nutrition and physical inactivity. HP2030 resources should help guide the creation of culturally sensitive educational materials and strategies the will meet the particular needs of Carrfour's residents.


Cite a minimum of two sources in APA format to complete this assignment. Sources must be:

· Published within the past five years.

· Appropriate for the assignment criteria.

· Relevant to nursing practice.

Healthy People 2030. (2023). Diabetes Objectives. U.S. Department of Health and Human


Carrfour Supportive Housing. (2023). About Us.

© 2023. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

© 2023. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.



Benchmark – Community Teaching Project: Part 2

Community Assessment

Based on the location of the community site selected in the Topic 1 assignment for your Community Teaching Project, you will be performing an assessment of the community (town/city/county) using the “County Health Rankings” and “Environmental Justice Dashboard” located in the topic Resources.

After reviewing the “County Health Rankings” and “Environmental Justice Dashboard” and completing the windshield survey of the selected community, complete the template below.

Student Name

Faculty Name

Carrfour Supportive Housing

County Name


Community Organization Zip Code


Community Description:

· Describe the community of interest (town/city/county) based on your findings from the windshield survey, the “County Health Rankings,” and “Environmental Justice Dashboard” resources.

Miami-Dade County is a dynamic, mixed-culture, and urbanized region. It is a county of urban areas, suburban neighborhoods, and farmlands. The windshield survey highlighted contrasting aspects: upscale developments against economically challenged areas.

Miami-Dade County has health disparities, according to data from the County Health Rankings (2023). Although they do relatively well ranking in health care (due to a strong healthcare infrastructure), the county lags in the areas of housing affordability and income inequality. The Environmental Justice Dashboard also showed high levels of air pollution and heat vulnerability in underserved neighborhoods such as Little Havana and Liberty City, which matched socioeconomic and racial disparities.

Positive Attributes:

· Discuss one positive attribute of this community based on your assessment findings.

With a robust network of healthcare facilities and community organizations—among them Carrfour Supportive Housing—one of Miami Dade County's strongest points. They do this tirelessly to work with social determinants of health (SDOH), offering resources like affordable housing, mental health support, and educational initiatives. These collaborations increase community resilience and access to important services in these areas where each individual lacks resources.

Barriers or Challenges:

· Discuss one barrier and/or challenge of this community based on your assessment findings.

Housing Affordability is a significant barrier in Miami-Dade County. The County Health Rankings report over 20 percent of people experience severe housing cost burdens, worsening health equity. On the other hand, the Environmental Justice Dashboard shows that disadvantaged neighborhoods suffer from poor air quality and the shortage of green spaces. The fact that these factors make you more prone to chronic diseases like asthma and cardiovascular conditions is especially harmful for residents of low-income areas.


· Examine one area of opportunity that can be addressed through health promotion and support your recommendations with evidence.

The community-based program on chronic disease prevention is one key opportunity for health promotion. Initiatives based on evidence to reduce diabetes and obesity, such as nutrition workshops and physical activity programs, can address the causes of health disparities. Findings from the County Health Rankings show that targeted approaches to reducing chronic disease prevalence in high-risk populations can help improve community well-being and consistent partnerships among organizations such as Carrfour Supportive Housing and local health departments. These efforts will further be promoted by collaboration with schools and workplaces to promote healthy habits.


Cite a minimum of two sources in APA format to complete this assignment. Sources must be:

· Published within the last five years.

· Appropriate for the assignment criteria.

· Relevant to nursing practice.

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. (2023). Explore Health Rankings.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023). Environmental Justice

© 2023. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. 

© 2023. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. 



NRS-425 Community Teaching Project – Part 3

Please complete this teaching plan development template for your Community Teaching Project. Please review and incorporate the feedback provided from the "Community Teaching Project – Part 1" template in Topic 1.

Section 1: Topic and Learning Outcome

Name (GCU Student)


· Provide a brief description of your education topic that was identified in Part 1.

Diabetes Prevention and Management. The project emphasizes the importance of balanced diets, meal planning on a budget, and the role of physical activity in preventing chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Teaching/Learning Outcome Goal

At the end of the session, participants will know how to identify risk factors of diabetes, implement lifestyle changes (e.g., balanced diets and physical activity), and how to use community resources to manage and prevent diabetes.

Section 2: Learning Assessment and Preparation

Readiness for Learning:

· Identify at least two factors that would indicate the readiness to learn for the target aggregate.

· Evaluate emotional and experiential readiness to learn.

Emotional Readiness: During the presurvey and the initial assessments, participants get interested and motivated while discussing health challenges simultaneously as goals.

Experiential Readiness: Participants have experiences with or for family members with diabetes and are looking for practical strategies to minimize the high risk of health.

Learning Theory:

· Select a learning theory for your presentation.

· Explain how this theory will be applied.

The presentation will follow the Health Belief Model (HBM). It uses perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, and self-efficacy. Relatable scenarios and interactive activities will be presented to make diabetes management more perceived as relevant and controllable.

Section 3: Teaching Plan

Behavioral Learning Objectives, Teaching Content, and Learning Activities

· Develop the behavioral learning objectives for your teaching content and learning activities.

Behavioral Learning Objective

The objectives should be specific and measurable. Describe what you want your audience to learn and how they will demonstrate what they have learned.

Example: Third-grade students will name one food choice for each of the five food groups on My Plate by the end of the presentation.

Teaching Content

Content to be taught for the Objectives.

Be specific.

Example: My Plate has five food groups which are vegetables, fruits, grains, protein, and dairy.

Learning Activities

Label and describe the learning activities.

Example: Interactive poster presentation of My Plate. After an explanation of the poster and each food category, allow students to place pictures of foods on the correct spot on the My Plate. Also, have the class analyze what a child had for lunch by putting names of foods on the poster and discussing what food group still needs to be eaten throughout day.

1. By the end of the presentation, participants will be tasked with listing three lifestyle changes that would lower diabetes risk.

1. Importance of a balanced diet: whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Effects of regular physical activity.

1. Daily habits Q and A.

Making a diabetes-friendly meal plan as a group activity.

2. By the end of the session, participants will identify two community resources for diabetes support.

2. Carrfour Supportive Housing resources as well as an overview of Miami-Dade health clinics.

Information about local exercise programs and food assistance.

2. Resource-sharing exercise.

Interactive map session that shows resource locations.

3. Participants will also indicate how early diagnosis can help prevent complications from diabetes.

3. Factors increasing prediabetes and diabetes risks.

Screening recommendations.

3. Good short video on diabetes progression.

Personal barriers discussion about seeking care.

Effective Communication: Please discuss the following.

· Introduction: Describe how your introduction will capture the interest of your audience.

· Conclusion: Explain how you will conclude your presentation.

Introduction: Write an engaging question: "What does healthy living mean to you?" Tell us a cute little story where somebody changed their habit and has started taking care of themselves.

Conclusion: Key points, summaries, and handouts with action steps and resources. End with a motivational statement for participants to be in the same close.

Teaching Modalities:

· Identify and explain the teaching modalities you will apply to engage your learners.

· Describe how you will tailor your presentation for your audience.

· Develop a multimodal teaching approach to reach/educate your chosen community.

· Visuals as PowerPoint slides.

· Hands-on interactive group discussions.

· Short videos for visual engagement.


Please complete the following.

1. Time: Estimate how long the teaching will last.

2. Location: Provide the exact location of the teaching site.

3. Supplies/Materials/Equipment: List any supplies/materials/equipment that will be needed for the presentation.

4. Cost of Presentation: Explain the estimated cost of the presentation.

Time: 45 minutes

Location: Carrfour Supportive Housing community room.

Supplies/Materials/Equipment: Printed handouts, activity worksheets, a projector, and a whiteboard.

Cost of Presentation: About $20 in printing and materials.


· Identify and explain some potential barriers that may arise during teaching and how will those be handled.

· Describe access and equity implications of the proposed teaching plan.

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