Chat with us, powered by LiveChat The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on the dissemination of the Capstone Project Change Proposal PowerPoint developed in Topic 9 and presented this - NursingEssays Ideas

The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on the dissemination of the Capstone Project Change Proposal PowerPoint developed in Topic 9 and presented this


The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on the dissemination of the Capstone Project Change Proposal PowerPoint developed in Topic 9 and presented this week.

Present the PowerPoint you created in Topic 9 to a group of relevant interdisciplinary leaders or stakeholders at your practicum site.

After presenting your PowerPoint, write a 250-500-word reflection that includes the following:

  • Describe who was part of the audience for your presentation and their role related to the proposed project.
  • Describe two ways in which you communicated professionally during your presentation.
  • Discuss the feedback and questions received from the audience after your presentation. Identify any biases that might have affected your presentation of your project.
  • Describe how this interprofessional collaboration and experience will affect your professional practice in the future.

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